Literary Muse Hub

"The Denouement of Your Creativity”

Contact Us Today


From Short Stories or Novels, Fiction or Non-Fiction, Poetry or Memoirs to Recipes, How-To's and more, Literary Muse Hub is here to help you publish and explore.

There are many realms in the world of writing and an array of paths to boast your creativity.

Our goal is to assist you in unlocking your creative genius of written expression and presenting such a gift to the world, in recognition of you. From beginning to end, we will patiently see you through to reach YOUR plateau of success.


Literary: ( “adjective" - 1. pertaining to or of the NATURE of books and writings. 2. pertaining to authorship”

Muse: ( “verb" - 2. to think or meditate in silence, as on some subject; noun - 3. the GENIUS or powers characteristic of a poet”

Hub: ( “noun" - 3. a center around which other things revolve or from which they radiate; a FOCUS of activity, authority…”


The answer is simple. 
You publish your written expressions to share them with others, whether it's with family, friends, or complete strangers.

Many people don't begin writing thinking that a published book will be the end result; for many, it is just an outlet or a moment to vent or a way to write down a memory.

And then for others, they have chosen to write specifically as a career choice because they have always known they had something they were deemed to share with the world.

Whoever your target audience may be or for whatever purpose your pen is placed to pad, publishing your book is your way of sharing your thoughts with the world. So Contact Us Today for Your Free Consultation!



Free Consultation

We’ll discuss what your goals are, both short term and long, at what stage you may be in the process, whether you’ve educated yourself in the self-publishing avenue, if you’re headed in the right direction and any other concerns that may need to be addressed, as well as offer helpful tips and suggestions.


Literary Muse Hub is here to help you, not only become published, but also to help you explore your marketing needs. Our team understands every area of publishing, networking, and marketing, and we are ready to serve you in those areas during your publishing journey.

From reasonable and affordable pricing to the assistance of qualifying installment plans, we are confident in our ability to provide for you. It is our strong desire to be able to work with you and to meet your needs, so do not hesitate to move forward for fear of lack of finances. Give us a call TODAY at 240-342-MUSE(6873) for a consultation and the means that works best for you!.


Are you your own editor and have always had that eye for finding the smallest details that need correction and you simply need someone to place you in the right direction for publishing your work?

Or do you have the creative and artistic eye, a vision of what you want, but don’t know exactly how to start it or maybe not how to finish it or maybe you’re simply stuck in the middle and need some editing assistance?

Well, whatever your needs may be, small or large, we can help you make the most of your publishing experience.

Please visit our Publishing Services page to learn more and Contact Us Today for Your Free Consultation!


Expression’s Embrace Volume 1 – From Roses to Sparrows

Author: CiCelia Jackson


This volume is the 1st of 4 in the Expression’s Embrace poetry series. From Roses to Sparrows is a collection of expressions geared towards women of all ages, Queens and Princesses, but specifically written to give our blooming youth of little women something to ponder upon during their life’s journeys. It is also meant to speak to mature women to embrace the treasured privilege held in teaching them, thereby being dedicated to the integral communication between older women (Roses) and young ladies (Sparrows).

From Roses to Sparrows incites self expression, inspires, encourages, comforts, makes you laugh and smile…or just gives you something to think about. “We, each of us, are someone’s Rose and/or Sparrow and, at times, I think we need to be reminded of such.”

Hardback: $16.95
E-Book: $6.95
Order Your Copy Today
