Our Editing Services

Editing, Formatting, Marketing

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Self-Publishing is no easy task. As a self-published author one must be prepared to spend several hours a day on marketing their branded name (The Author's name and Book). Let alone also produce high quality content that is enriched enough to intrigue the reader to follow the author for future publications.

The first thing that the self-publishing author must ask themselves is this: “Do I have the stamina to endure the job”?

Based on your answer then you will know how you should decide if you should even pursue this career.


We will check your literary work in detail for any corrections that may need to be made in grammar usage, punctuation, and spelling. The cost for this service is $0.025 cents per Word.

Consulting Services

Do you want to self-publish a novel, non-fiction book, children’s picture book, journal, genealogy or short story?

Then you’ve come to the right place. We can help.

Does self-publishing look too complicated and confusing? It does to everyone when they first begin their journey, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do it.

If you can use a computer, you can publish your own book. Literary Muse Hub is here to walk you through the process and to teach you how to do it yourself, so you can publish your first book, your next book and the book after that.

Literary Muse Hub's goal in our consulting product is to teach you how to self-publish your book, so you maintain full control over your creative work and maintain full copyright over the things you paid for. Once this knowledge is obtained, you’ll be able to confidently build your publishing career. For more information please contact our team at:

Literary Muse Hub

Office: 240-342-MUSE (6873)

Email: cjackson@literarymusehub.com


We will provide a more extensive review of your literary work for any corrections, not only with grammar usage, punctuation, and spelling, but also offer recommendations and perform approved revisions in capitalization, consistency, sentence structure and the intended thought reception to your audience.

This service may also include a review of any artwork you have chosen to include in your literary work. The cost for this service is $0.035 cents per Word.


“You can’t judge a book by its cover”…but sometimes you very well can and many do. Let us help you set the stage for what your audience will SEE before even reading your first word. You want to tastefully and professionally attract people to what it is you have chosen to share with them and our team will do just that.

Book Formatting

Are you an author looking to Self-Publish your new book? Do you need editing, formatting or design services? Is it for print or do you want to try e book formatting?

As an author you've spent countless hours on your manuscript, whether fiction, non-fiction, picture book, trade, business or text book...

Professional editing, proofing and layout are the part of the book process necessary for BEST READABILITY, which translates into sales, awards, and future books.

We will professionally prepare your manuscript – design and format your writing, for "print on demand" self-publishing and for the epub conversion required to sell your book through the eBook sellers (a growing option in today's "Go Green" reading world.)

With your writing skills and our expertise in self publishing services, your readers will experience what they expect from you - "A Great Read"

Epub Formatting

We create eBooks compatible with all major eBook retailers including: Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Overdrive, Google, Ingram, Gardners and many more. Our service is fast, professional and friendly, and our distribution network is comprehensive.

We work with successful hybrid authors, self-publishing eBook authors. If you have a project that you would like to discuss please complete our simple contact form or get in touch with us via telephone or email.


It’s no secret: the Internet is rising with meteoric speed and influence. When it comes to great book marketing, what really works?

Our book marketing research shows that readers interested in your genre and topics congregate in specific spots online. These include blogs; social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, Google+, YouTube and Pinterest.

If you know how, reaching these people is easy and that’s exactly how we want to help you sell books and build your brand.

We comb the Internet to uncover new and high-traffic sites where your target readers (book buyers) go to find information-sites most book marketers overlook.

We’ve developed platforms, pathways and extensive lists of often overlooked book review websites, blogs and social networking sites.

Plus we’ve pioneered innovative online programs such as our Virtual Author Tour, along with Blog and Social Media programs that ensure your success!